FIND US: 9730 Dufferin Street Unit 6
Maple, Ontario L6A 4L6
Office Hours: 9:00AM-5:00PM
Business Hours:
8:00AM-6:00PM (September-June)
8:00am-5:30pm (July & August)
Closed on weekends

Toddler Program

Program Outline

The development of movement and language are highlighted during infancy and toddler hood. We believe that every opportunity and every interaction your child has is a learning experience.

The main focus is language and motor development, assisting the child in developing self-help skills (including toilet-training). All of our materials and furniture are child size and are carefully chosen to meet the developmental needs of the children at this age. Our toddler environment is designed with “invitations” that allow the child to be the initiator in directing his work, play and interactions. This child friendly environment is developmentally appropriate for each stage and rich in sensorial activities giving our toddlers the opportunity to learn, create and discover!

Program Enrolment
– 5 Full Days 7:30AM-6:00PM
– 5 Half Days 8:30AM-11:30AM

Please find attached a copy of the toddler schedule:

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
7:30 – 8:20AM Family Grouping / Open Activities
8:20 –8:30AM Tidy up time
8.30 - 9.00AM Snack
9:00 –9:30AM Washroom routines / Personal hygiene / Morning Circle
9:30 –10:30AM Outdoor play
10:30 –11:15AM Montessori Programming / Arts & crafts
11:15 –11:30AM Tidy up / Personal hygiene
11:30 –12:00PM Lunch
12:00 –12:30PM Washroom routines / Personal hygiene
12:30 –2:30PM Rest period
2:30 –3:00PM Snack / Personal hygiene / Washroom routines
3:00 –3:30PM Afternoon circle
3:30 -4:30PM Outdoor play
4:30 –5:15PM Montessori programming
5:15 –5:30PM Tidy up time
5:30 –6:00PM Circle time


We provide the perfect education for your child every day